Updated: 5/5/2010-comments are closed, winners will be announced soon! Thanks!
I'm so excited-giddy really-about this awesome little giveaway I have going. The big day-Mother's Day-is Sunday, May 9!
I have been wanting to share the gift of photography and I thought what better way then to give a gift session away in time for Mother's Day. So, whether you are a mom and are wanting some portraits with your family OR you want to give the gift of portraits to a mom in your life, here is your chance.
PLUS-this is the really cool part-I have joined with some other local businesswomen to offer some additional items in the giveaway. And there are actually two gift packages!!
So, what do you do you ask to get in on this fun giveaway?! Well, all you have to do is leave a comment here about why you love being a mom OR if you're not a mom (ladies, tell your husbands they can enter too), you can tell what you love most about the favorite mom in your life. In addition, you can become a fan of MMPD on
Facebook and leave a comment there to receive a second entry. (If you're already a fan, just leave a comment). You can have up to two entries per person. Entries will close at 11:59 p.m. May 4, 2010. The two winners will be chosen by random drawing and announced May 5. Gift packages will be delivered in time for the special day. Each package includes a complimentary photography session plus $25 print credit from
Maggie Malson Photography & Design. Also, thank you to these fabulous women who also donated to the gift packages!